Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"The Boys"

We spent the weekend in VA with some family. It was the first time we had met Jackson and Matthew, two year old twin boys. Phoenix had a blast with them. She called them "my boys." She immediately distinguished differences in them to get their names correct. They went to the fair together and enjoyed a picnic at the vineyard. She also had fun at the park with them. I'm sure there will be many more visits.

Tweetsie Railroad

After a few weeks hiatus, we're back.....we spent Labor Day weekend in the mountains with my family. We went to Tweetsie Railroad on the Saturday before Labor Day. Phoenix had a great time riding the train but best of all, she LOVED the carousel. She rode SEVEN times. My mom was such a trooper. She rode with Phoenix FIVE of the seven times on the carousel. She also enjoyed the chair lift and rode that several times too. We rode through the mouse mine and enjoyed the black light mouse show. We also fed the goats and deer, rode the boat and airplane, and bought some fudge. YUM!! We had a great time there. Phoenix even saw one of her current classmates there. We had so much fun at Tweetsie!!!